The Great Tasting Substitutes

With this new lifestyle there is an abundance of plant based options that taste great.
Below is a short list of options out there! Hey don't be afraid to experiment...allow your palate to taste as much as possible!

Meat Substitutes 

Beef and Chicken free burgers made with greens, grains and vegetables that taste great! And get this...they contain less than 84% fat than beef burgers and are cholesterol free!

Diary-free Products

Diary free products are delicious and full of healthy pro-biotics. They're also free of lactose and cholesterol...and the best part, they're animal and cruelty -free for all you animal lovers out there :)
From Yogurts to Cream cheese to milk, below are some tasty options.


  1. not a big fan of almond milk, but i didn't know haagen daz does non diary!

  2. They sure do! So many others do as well. I'll post some more options so you can see the variety.


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