Save the Animals!

I'm hardly a member of P.E.T.A. but it can't hurt to be kind to them. Happy animals will be shown on cartons and packaging, but what goes on behind farm doors is anything but happy 😔 For instance, dairy cows are forcibly impregnated and their calves taken away from them and sometimes killed. So the less meat we start eating, the better for them. I know some may argue that they are there as food (biblically speaking) but I very much doubt that the unnecessary cruelty for the purpose of mass consumption is what the Creator had in mind 😐.

Also it may help to know that when we consume meat and diary, we are exposing ourselves to bacteria, antibiotics, hormones etc. They can cause food poisoning. The USDA reports 75 million cases each year of which 5000 are fatal. they go on to report that 70% of the cases are caused by contaminated animal flesh! So why risk it 😟.


  1. Omg, i hate when wicked people, seeing this site makes me feel to take this vegan approach, thinking.

  2. I'm glad Denise! that is one of the objectives for the Afrolicious inspire persons to make the change toward a cruelty-free diet...animal lovers are always welcomed:) Check out the great tips in "The Switch" section.

  3. The truth is in the statistics, Nice!!!! Reading this makes me want to go vegan even more !!!

    1. It's so true, and it's sad the way some animals are treated...we'll be on the journey together! ;)

  4. Hey as a vegetarian myself, I totally support this initiative.. great job :)

    1. I'm glad Terry :) Thank you! Do keep checking back for more posts!


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