Shed those Pounds and Keep them Off!

Vegans are known to average a normal healthy BMI. In fact, the more animal products people eat , the higher their BMI. The reason being animal products tend to not contain any carbs, instead it's higher in fat, and this fat has more calories so it is a lot easier to convert into body fat than calories from carbs.

People also tend to overeat when consuming animal products due to their overall calorie density.
So if you're looking to lose weight...a plant based diet is the way to go! So make that switch to a nutrient filled diet 😁


  1. hmmm, can't be mad at that. makes sense too

    1. we all welcome shedding the pounds so does make sense.

  2. Makes complete sense but diet plans tell u to consume the meat but they also say use more fish. Hmmmm thanks.

    1. they do tell you to consume meat with some diet plans...but after doing some research, I've seen that we can have very balanced healthy diets without meat. I'll post even more health benefits to this lifestyle, be sure to keep checking in :)

  3. This sheds so much light on things I didn't even know. I'll be giving the vegan lifestyle a go.

    1. Lets do it together! be sure to come back and check out more posts that can assist you on your journey! all the best!

  4. Sooooo..... I'm a vegetarian and still piling on the pounds.. what can you recommend for me to do to loose the extras :/ ?

    1. I'm not a dietitian, but if I were you I would stick to my diet but incorporate some exercise...they both work hand in hand. Of course before you do, be sure to consult your physician! :)


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