Budget Friendly Eating

Going Vegan can seem costly when compared to how easy it may seem to get a cheap burger and fries or a two piece special from KFC.
But never fear, plant based eating can be affordable.
However, the key is to cook well-balanced nutritious meals. Below are a few tips:

Buy Starch - Brown rice, whole wheat flour, pasta, whole grains, bread, oats, noodles, barley etc. Change them up, rotate them when making your meals and if possible buy in bulk, this will save you money.

Buy Seasonal Vegetables and Fruits - when fruits and veges are in season they tend to be cheaper. Buy them on special, and try to buy locally-grown. Here's a tip though, buying fruits in the farmers market is going to be cheaper than buying them at a stall or the supermarket.

Stay away from processed and canned foods and make them yourself - e.g. red beans, do you know it'll cost you cheaper and way healthier to buy a pound of red beans and cook it yourself. Even pasta sauces etc, make them yourself. There is nothing you can't find on YouTube. So do your research and it helps to cook in bulk and freeze to use another day.

Last but not least, have a routine shopping list - So you're buying your beans, grains etc. but the most important thing is getting the most nutrients in our diet. Vitamin B12 should be priority in a vegan diet.


  1. Hmmmmm I usually just buy b12 shots but I see I must incorporate it into my diet as well. It's amazing that food has all these vitamins, we don't need all those tablets lol

    1. They do...never underestimate a good diet. You can find the nutrients you need in the food you eat. Be sure to check back for more posts! and feel free to subscribe!


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