Meal Plan

Below is a daily meal plan suggested for a vegan lifestyle:


Breakfast: Good ole Oatmeal and fruit
Dinner: Chick peas medley
 There are tons of delicious vegan options available. From tasty sandwiches to delicious pizzas and salads. When planning your meal though, be sure to include green leafy vegetables such as pak choi, kale, spinach etc. Choose cereal, plant milk, breads etc that are fortified in Vitamin B12, calcium and where possible Vitamin D (plant-based). To keep Omega-3 fat high, eat one serving of flaxseed, walnuts or chia seeds everyday. You can include these into your favourite smoothie. Be sure to increase your intake of fruits!


  1. I love this meal plan, very well put together I must say. You're making transition easy 😊

  2. I'm so happy you find it easy to follow...we'll post more soon! keep checking back!


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