Iron-Rich Foods

Never underestimate the importance of iron. If you want healthy cells, skin, nails etc., you need iron. It also keeps your energy levels high and your body glowing! Here's some iron rich foods you can enjoy.

Again I must mention lentils, such a super-food! They are packed with iron and they are virtually fat free. Use it in soups, stews, served with rice and the good thing is, it is affordable!

It is filled with iron and fiber, just what you need to start your day. Have it with Fruits and soy milk!

Leafy Greens
Ever since you were little, you were always told to eat your greens, and eat them you should! Spinach in particular is high in iron. And if you're not a fan of the taste, you can mix it in with your fav salads and even blend it in a smoothie with some fruits and soy milk!


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