Be easy on Yourself

You don't need to drastically cut meat out of your life. 
Being vegan is a gradual process. For many they have found that the best way is to first lessen your meat intake. Maybe you just want to go vegetarian first or maybe you just want to start by being pescatarian (you only eat seafood). Either way, be compassionate to yourself, this doesn't have to be perfect. Maybe there are some food you can give up right now, whereas you may find it difficult with others. To assist in your transition here are a few tips:

1) How about "Meatless Mondays"?🙆
It may be a small change but it can help you stay on track, while try new vegan alternatives.

2) Those poor animals 😭
Maybe you're against animal cruelty, thinking on that may help too.

3) You will cheat!
Arghhh!!! those ribs 😢

I know I did, but here's the good thing, you have tomorrow and you can start fresh again...


  1. I’ve been thinking about cutting meat out of my diet for sometime now. Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. You're most welcome love! It will only be to your benefit as well. Keep checking for more posts :)


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