My Ongoing Journey to Vegan Life

Becoming vegan is a gradual process.
It takes dedication and willpower of the highest order.
Researching the journey for myself, I found that to appreciate the journey, take the steps...1st Pescetarian, 2nd Vegatarian then finally vegan.

Sounds much easier than it really is to actually do.

Born and raised in San Fernando, Trinidad, consuming meat daily is second nature, and if you don't "someting wrong wid yuh". Everyday, meat, mostly chicken is a part of lunch and dinner. And diary, milk, let's just say no one drinks tea (we call everything -milo, green tea, lipton ovaltine etc., except coffee- tea) without milk. I myself grew up eating meat and diary everyday. I happen to loveeeeeee a nice homemade fried chicken and "milk in my tea"...oh boy!

So why go vegan?

Though I love diary, it didn't love me back :(
Eating cheese and drinking milk everyday started to show on my skin. One day I asked myself, "do you love diary more than your own body?" Thus, a gradual change commenced. Firstly, I started with cheese. Eventually I won that battle and stopped eating cheese (argh...I almost died I missed its flavor so much!). Then I eventually stopped drinking milk. (let's pause for a moment...ok I'm good now). My skin looked much better though.


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